Interactive audio guide tour on the assassination of John F. Kennedy - Dallas

Interactive audio guide tour on the assassination of John F. Kennedy - Dallas

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Te gustará

Discovering Dallas in the footsteps of Kennedy
Learn about JFK's assassination and the various conspiracy theories
Get a taste of the events in 1963
Self-guided tour with audio guide

Información esencial *

Confirmación inmediata

Boleto de fecha abierta

1 hora


* Todos los detalles se le darán en el momento de su reserva.


Learn about the details and theories surrounding John Fitzgerald Kennedy's assasination as you stroll through the streets of Dallas!

You'll log in via the link sent by email with your code to access the tour. You'll find the audioguide and additional features such as videos, photos and soundtracks. 

Go back to Dallas in 1963 and the assassination of JFK, the 35th President of the United States of America. This assassination was one of the most shocking of the 20th century and is the topic of numerous books, articles, videos... 

You'll have the chance to see the 5 most important places in the story of this crime. The site has an interactive map so you'll easily find each spot. 

The audio guide will give a detailed rundown of the events including different theories and key points. 

So, bring out your inner detective as you learn more about the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy! 

Lugar de partida

Bueno saber

  • Availability: every day (except in exceptional circumstances)
  • Departure point: Founders Plaza (600 Elm Street Dallas, TX 75202)
  • You'll be asked to choose a provisional date when you book. However, you can use your ticket on the date of your choice (ticket valid until: 6 months from the provisional date selected)
  • Tour validity: once activated, the tour is available for 24 hours
  • Tour duration: self-guided tour, allow approximately 1 hour
  • Important information: You'll need a smartphone and headphones to do this audio tour. An internet connection is required throughout the visit. 

El precio incluye

  • The audio tour of JFK's assassination in Dallas
  • Access to the platform for videos, photos and soundtracks

El precio no incluye

  • Tips (optional)
  • Any other extras



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